Monday, February 14, 2011


Quite often, when discussing my work as an early childhood educator, the term "love" comes up.  I know I've posted before about how being an educator has very little to do with love.  If you love children, I often tell students, then go have one.  If you love teaching and learning, then be a teacher.

But there is an element of love that has to exist in the classroom.  I love watching that moment of clarity for my students, whether they are three or fifty-three.  I love facilitating someone else's understanding of a new concept.  I love teaching and the excitement and pleasure those new skills bring to people.

And yes, I love my students.

I don't teach because I love children, but I do love them, both as individuals as well as childhood as a unique life stage.  In addition, I love my adult students and the excitement and passion they bring to the field.  I love their energy and the belief they still have that they can change the world.  I love the feeling I get from being around them.  Their enthusiasm is contagious and encourages me to be a better teacher myself.

On Valentine's Day, we often think of our love partners.  Sometimes we think of our children, and sometimes we even think and appreciate all those who touch our lives in a special way.  I could write pages on how much I love my family and friends and how wonderful they are to me.  But today, I want to encourage my readers to think of doing what they love.  Your life should be filled with passion--not only for people but for how you spend your time.

For me, I love teaching.  I can't imagine a life without it and love the blessing of being part of the learning journey with every person I partner with in education.  Because truly, as teachers or parents, who are we, if not partners to our students or children?

Happy Valentine's Day.  Do what you love, and share it with the world.

Thanks for reading, share the blog, and click the links...and know that I love my readers too!

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